Month: February 2019

Envato Stories: Isabel Castillo Guijarro (Isabelmd)

Envato Stories: Isabel Castillo Guijarro (Isabelmd)

In the latest episode of Envato Stories we head to the Big Apple to meet Isabel Castillo Guijarro a.k.a. isabelmdd on Envato Studio.

Originally from Spain, Isabel now works full-time at a lifestyle and fashion website in New York while completing freelancing projects in the evenings through Envato Studio. In this video you’ll learn how Isabel got her start in graphic design, what inspires her to do great work, and the one thing that surprised her the most about working with clients all around the world. (more…)

Workshop: Brand Asset Management

Mauris fermentum fringilla lorem, in rutrum massa sodales et. Praesent mollis sodales est, eget fringilla libero sagittis eget. Nunc gravida varius risus ac luctus. Mauris ornare eros sed libero euismod ornare. Nulla id sem a mauris egestas pulvinar vitae non dui. Cras odio tortor, feugiat nec sagittis sed, laoreet ut mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris non libero ligula, sed volutpat mauris. Duis facilisis elementum nisl, non aliquam enim tincidunt vitae. Donec laoreet est vitae erat auctor porttitor. Curabitur orci enim, congue at egestas a, feugiat luctus massa. Sed risus quam, dignissim a commodo […]

By Daniele Zedda • 18 February


By Daniele Zedda • 18 February

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