


28 June 2015

How to Get Read on Medium

That’s how many copies of Moby-Dick were sold during Herman Melville’s lifetime. A critical and commercial flop at the time of his death — by which point he was working as an anonymous customs inspector for the City of New York — it took nearly 50 years for Melville’s book to become the Great American Novel.

The lesson: Exceptional ideas always find an audience.

We don’t want you to wait that long. Medium is committed to helping writers publish great ideas, and not just popular ones. But we also want you to find an audience, so we’re offering these four tips to make sure your post looks its best, grabs people’s attention, holds it, and encourages them to pass it on.


Use an image that makes them stop scrolling

Make it relevant. If the free market dictated, every news story, book jacket, and white paper on fluid dynamics would feature a picture of a kitten, but that’s not always the best call. A relevant cover image — muddy wildcatters on a story about oil prices, and stag beetles on one about entomology — will engage directly with the people who are interested in your topic.

Pick something high res, but not TOO high res. Approximately 1900 pixels on the long end and a file size of at least 500 KB is ideal. But if you don’t have the time to right click and check the properties, just make sure that your image is clear and bright, and that it fits the screen reasonably well.

Make sure that the thumbnail works. Most Medium posts are shared on Twitter and Facebook using “cards,” short summaries that have a title, teaser, and a thumbnail version of your header image. Try to pick an image that will reproduce well at this smaller size.


Write a title that gets them in the door

Provide context about the story, but don’t give away the punch line. Your title should appeal to readers’ interests, and make them curious to find out more. You want them to know that your post involves cheese, but intrigued enough to click through and read about how Camembert saves lives.

Use “how” or “why.” This can veer dangerously close to the black magic of the internet — tricks that help bad content go viral — but, used in moderation, it can also be helpful. Readers want to learn something new, and a title that includes one of these words lets them know you’re about to make them smarter.

Focus group it. Make a list of titles and sit with them before you choose. And even better, run those titles by the people who sit in the cubicles around you, or the shipmates on your fishing vessel. Give yourself some options and open the floor to feedback, and the right title will rise to the top.


Show some effort to make it shine

Do the work. Our data lab recently unearthed a statistic that makes us very, very happy. It turns out that there’s a direct correlation between the time spent writing a post, and how popular it becomes. In other words, hard work matters. So spend a few extra minutes fixing the weak spots, and crafting the perfect conclusion.

Make it pretty. We designed Medium to make your work look amazing, but our tools only work if you use them. Just cutting and pasting your text into the editor and pushing “publish,” means that you’re missing the chance to select a call-out, or to add some fancy formatting that will make your post look like you have an entire team working in your attic.

Make it easy. If your paragraphs are too long they’ll look like an endless slog, too short, and you’ve written a grocery list. It’ll be different for every kind of post, but a solid rhythm is essential. And don’t forget to add some visual interest; an image or a video gives the eye a spot to rest before it sets off again on its long journey across the page.

Preformatted Text

Typographically, preformatted text is not the same thing as code. Sometimes, a faithful execution of the text requires preformatted text that may not have anything to do with code. Most browsers use Courier and that’s a good default with one slight adjustment, Courier 10 Pitch over regular Courier for Linux users. For example:

What did he want?’, asked Cornelius.
‘To Have the full implications explained to him, and also his
immediate obligations.’
’ Good’ said Cornelius.
‘I doubt it’, said Frank.

Nihil fish whatever trust fund, dreamcatcher in fingerstache squid seitan accusamus. Organic Wes Anderson High Life setruhe authentic iPhone, aute art party hashtag fixie churchkey art.

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Daniele Zedda

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Matthew L. Fisher   •   2 days ago

I am about like you. First: paper and after: photoshop (sometime).

Lauren Bonk   •   2 days ago

I’m so glad you shared this. I always start with lots of paper as well, move into Photoshop to give the document a basic layout, then zoom right in to start tackling my favorite piece trying to get it just right.

I’m not saying this is the right way—perhaps, like you, I should move from basic sketches to basic digital shapes to see if the design holds together when zoomed out.

Tony Bui   •   4 days ago

I used to wireframe in photoshop, but it's difficult for most clients to understand what they're signing off unless they can interact with it.


A Nice Street Cafe in London

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec mauris pulvinar leo dignissim sollicitudin eleifend eget velit. Nunc sed dolor enim, vitae sodales diam. Mauris fermentum fringilla lorem, in rutrum massa sodales et. Praesent mollis sodales est, eget fringilla libero sagittis eget. Nunc gravida varius risus ac luctus. Mauris ornare eros sed libero euismod ornare. Nulla id sem a mauris egestas pulvinar vitae non dui. Cras odio tortor, feugiat nec sagittis sed, laoreet ut mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

What if instead your website used machine learning to build itself, and then rebuilt as necessary, based on data it was gathering about how it was being used? That's what The Grid is aiming to do. After you add content such as pictures, text, the stuff everyone enjoys interacting with your obligation to design...

The Truth about Teens and Privacy

Social media has introduced a new dimension to the well-worn fights over private space and personal expression. Teens do not want their parents to view their online profiles or look over their shoulder when they’re chatting with friends. Parents are no longer simply worried about what their children wear out of the house but what they photograph themselves wearing in their bedroom to post online. Interactions that were previously invisible to adults suddenly have traces, prompting parents to fret over.

Here are some of the ways you may be already being hacked:

  • Everyone makes mistakes
  • You can control only your behavior
  • Good habits create discipline
  • Remember the big picture
  • Everyone learns differently
  • Focus on the Benefits, Not the Difficulties
  • Traditions are bonding opportunities

This is not a comprehensive list. Rather, it is a snapshot in time of real-life events that are happening right now. In the future, we will likely read this list and laugh at all the things I failed to envision.

Walk through the Forest

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“The Muppets Take Manhattan”
This movie was a disappointment. The Muppets do not take Manhattan at all. They merely visit it.
— No stars.

Do officia aliqua, pop-up ut et occupy sriracha. YOLO meggings PBR sartorial mollit, Schlitz assumenda vero kitsch plaid post-ironic PBR&B keffiyeh. Cosby sweater wolf YOLO Austin bespoke, American Apparel crucifix paleo flexitarian. Aliquip bitters food truck, incididunt tofu accusamus.

By Daniele Zedda   •   18 February


By Daniele Zedda • 18 February

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