Envato Stories: Isabel Castillo Guijarro (Isabelmd)

Envato Stories: Isabel Castillo Guijarro (Isabelmd)

In the latest episode of Envato Stories we head to the Big Apple to meet Isabel Castillo Guijarro a.k.a. isabelmdd on Envato Studio.

Originally from Spain, Isabel now works full-time at a lifestyle and fashion website in New York while completing freelancing projects in the evenings through Envato Studio. In this video you’ll learn how Isabel got her start in graphic design, what inspires her to do great work, and the one thing that surprised her the most about working with clients all around the world.

Isabel Castillo Guijarro - Graphic Design

The Truth about Teens and Privacy

The day after the New Yorker article went live, accusations of plagiarism started appearing on Twitter, pointing to an article with a similar concept published ten months earlier in the confusingly-named The Newer York. Parents are no longer simply worried about what their children wear out of the house but what they photograph themselves wearing in their bedroom to post online. Interactions that were previously invisible to adults suddenly have traces, prompting parents to fret over.

This is not a comprehensive list. Rather, it is a snapshot in time of real-life events that are happening right now. In the future, we will likely read this list and laugh at all the things I failed to envision.

This is not a comprehensive list. Rather, it is a snapshot in time of real-life events that are happening right now. In the future, we will likely read this list and laugh at all the things I failed to envision. Donec fringilla euismod purus, in placerat nulla tempus sed. Aliquam lectus lacus, aliquam facilisis fermentum congue, rhoncus et quam. Cras molestie nunc vitae mauris vehicula rutrum.

Make Innovating Everyone’s Job

Social media has introduced a new dimension to the well-worn fights over private space and personal expression. Teens do not want their parents to view their online profiles or look over their shoulder when they’re chatting with friends. Parents are no longer simply worried about what their children wear out of the house but what they photograph themselves wearing in their bedroom to post online.


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Julie Zhuo

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Jeff Smith • 8 years ago

Quisque vulputate justo nibh, nec pulvinar erat rutrum in. In imperdiet turpis vel odio scelerisque, sit amet iaculis urna dictum. Suspendisse non justo quam. Donec suscipit neque erat, quis feugiat urna aliquam erat volutpat molestie libero.

Maykel Looman • 8 years ago

Donec efficitur lectus orci, blandit tincidunt lorem aliquet nec. Ut eu ante in nisi volutpat lobortis. Maecenas sit amet neque eget erat dictum euismod. Vivamus lorem orci, blandit ornare tempor quis.

Julie Zhuo • 8 years ago

Aliquam consectetur erat sagittis eleifend fringilla. Nunc mollis egestas placerat. Praesent commodo, urna nec placerat egestas, tortor ex lobortis quam.

Peter William • 8 years ago

maximus, sit amet feugiat enim posuere. Morbi sem magna, interdum a diam vel, semper hendrerit erat. In consectetur, justo a interdum dignissim, urna massa condimentum ante, eu aliquam elit eros quis leo.

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